Mental Health Support & Resources

Do you need someone to talk to? We're here. Student Wellness, University of Guelph

Quick links to mental health support services available to University of Guelph students

There are a variety of supports available on campus that reflect the range of challenges you may face. No matter what you're struggling with, we want all students to realize their potential and have the best university experience possible.

Reach out to one of our many campus resources, explore online mental health website, or connect with a helpline.


Are you in crisis, feeling unsafe or worried you might hurt yourself or others?

Urgent Help

Navigators are your first point of contact if you’re seeking mental health support for the first time through Student Wellness Services. In a 30-minute appointment, a navigator will discuss concerns and identify appropriate services and supports to assist you going forward. Appointments with a navigator are available Monday through Friday. 

Call 519-824-4120 x52131 to book an appointment to speak to a Navigator.

Appointments are available Monday through Friday.

 Learn more about Student Wellness Navigators

GuardMe is a mental wellness student support program available to all U of G International Students whether they are still studying in Guelph/Ontario or back in their homes internationally. It is free and confidential for international students with availability day or night. This service provides access to counsellors that speak their language and understand their culture via phone or chat.

 Learn more about International & ELP Student Counselling Options

Counselling Services offers individual counselling sessions to help support students through personal challenges.
Call 519-824-4120 x 53244 (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm) to book an appointment.

Counselling Services offers several therapy groups that offer professional and peer support over several weeks.

Groups include:

  • Wellness group for Black, Indigenous and Students of Colour
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety in Varsity Sport
  • Groups for Depression or Anxiety
  • Dialectical Behavioral Training
  • Disordered Eating Group
  • Distress Tolerance  
  • Creating Space For Grief
  • Meal Support Group
  • Men's Group
  • Mindfulness
  • Building Healthy Relationships
  • Building Social Confidence
  • Regulating Emotions
  • Stress Management
  • Other topics as required

Students contact Student Wellness Services (519-824-4120 x 53244 from M-F 8:30am-4:30pm) to meet with a Student Wellness Navigator for 20 min to discuss options and schedules. Click here to view more information on Group Therapy. 

Student Accessibility Services runs support groups for students to connect with others who experience a similar disability. Connect with your SAS Advisor to join these groups.

USHINE: The Student Support Network is a drop-in peer support group consisting of extensively-trained student volunteers who provide confidential, non-judgemental listening and support to other students.
A confidential online peer support group for grad students across all faculties. GSSC offers a supportive group environment where grad students can talk about their unique experiences, hear others’ perspectives, and discuss life in general. A support circle for graduate students who are also parents is available. 
Email to express interest in registering.
Depending on your situation, there may be specific academic supports that can be considered. More information.
You're not alone. The Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support and Education Centre is committed to:
  • Providing education and support that are trauma-informed, anti-oppressive, survivor-centric, and rooted in harm-reduction philosophies  
  • Supporting student survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, including coordinating accommodations, system navigations, safety planning, and referrals
  • Providing preventative education and training to the University of Guelph campus community
For more information, click here
Connect with a helpline through phone or text or find support in your community. Explore mental health websites and apps to find self-help resources that work for you. Click here for a list of mental health helplines and websites. 
We recognize that as students, it’s difficult to know the many resources available to you. We have created an informative document that is designed to provide you with a listing of wellbeing and mental health resources offered through Student Wellness Services; We hope you find it helpful. View Guide Here. 
Counselling & Mental Health Resources for Students, Staff & Faculty 
There are many ways to take care of your mental health. At the University of Guelph, there are a variety of services and supports to help you take care of your mental wellness throughout the year. We are committed to helping you receive the appropriate supports for the challenges you are facing.