Welcome! SAS is here to help.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) helps students who experience disabilities with full and equitable participation in academic life. We strive towards creating a barrier-free environment where all students can achieve their potential.
Future U of G Students
Awaiting Admission Offer or Login Info First Time Applying to SAS
Requires U of G Username and ID Students Already Registered with SAS
Next Semester Accommodations
Student Portal Resources
Step-by-Step Tutorials for Using the Portal Resources for Faculty
Information, Guides and Faculty Portal START Accessible
Fall 2024 Orientation
Looking for help?
Experiencing Distress?
After hours, you might be looking for support. We have useful resources that can help with all kinds of situations.
Mental Health Support & Resources
Student Support Network (Peer-to-peer Support)
Registering with SAS for the First Time
- Disability-related concerns about accessibility of your courses or academic program
- Understanding your accommodations
- Disability-related extension request
- Requesting a written description of your accessibility needs from your SAS Advisor
- Referral for assistive technology or alternate format texts for your courses
- ASL Interpreters
- Borrowing a Mobility Aid
- Classroom furniture & FM Systems
- Help with the SAS Student Portal
- Understanding procedures for accommodations you’ve been approved to use
- Applying to the Bursary for Students with Disabilities (See BSWD Section Below)
- Requesting your Accommodations in your courses
- Booking/Modifying Exam Centre Bookings
- Accessing the SAS Notetaking Portal
- Submitting Documentation
- Accessing a copy of your Accommodation Letter or Verification of Registration and Accommodations
- Online How-To Guide: SAS Student Portal How-To Guide
- Online/In-person Student Drop-in: Daily Drop-in
- Email Support: sasassist@uoguelph.ca
- Exam Centre Booking Deadlines and Policies
- How to book, modify or cancel an Exam Centre booking
- Information on Booking Deferred Exams with the Exam Centre
- How To Book Tests/Exams In The Exam Centre
- Online Quiz, Test & Exam Support
- Missed Exam Booking Deadline Help
- Online/In-person Student Drop-in: Daily Drop-in
- Contact Accessibility Assistants at sasassist@uoguelph.ca
- To request notetaking accommodations please book an appointment with your SAS Advisor
- For assistance with using the Notetaking portal, please connect with sasnotes@uoguelph.ca
- Daily support for using the Notetaking portal is available in Daily Drop-In
- For support with assistive technology needs to assist with notetaking, please see the Library Accessibility Services Tab below
- Please connect with instructor and/or classmates of your course
SAS Related: To have a new referral made to Library Accessibility Services, or have a new accommodation approved that is related to using assistive software and technology in your academic studies, please contact your SAS Advisor.
LAS Types of Issues:
Assistive software supports related to reading, writing, note-taking and studying
Alternate format materials for courses
Digital Recorders, smart pens and tablet loans
How To Get Help:
Email las@uoguelph.ca
- Requesting a Deferred Exam or Other Academic Privilege
- Course Selection questions or difficulties
- Changing Majors or adding a minor
- Reduced course load impacting graduation
- Course Waivers
- Letters of Permission
How To Book Tests/Exams in the Exam Centre
Online Quiz, Test and Exam Support
- Contact your instructor, copy your SAS Advisor in your email if the reason is disability related
- If the exam occurs before the last day of classes, contact the instructor, and copy your SAS Advisor in the email if the reason is disability related
- If the exam occurs after the last day of classes, contact your program counsellor, and copy your SAS Advisor in your email if the reason is disability related
- If the work is due before the last day of classes, check the course outline for extension policies and then contact the instructor
- If the work is due after the last day of classes, contact your program counsellor
Contact your program counsellor: Program Counsellors (UAIC)
- If you already have a disability related extension accommodation, and the request is for an extension of 4 days or less, and you are asking prior to the original assignment deadline, email your instructor. If the extension is longer than 4 days, beyond the original deadline, or you have had more than 2 extensions in that course this semester contact your SAS advisor.
- If you do not have the disability related extensions accommodation, contact your SAS Advisor
- Consult your course outline and speak to your instructor for instructions on extension requests and missed coursework
- Needing information on assignment requirements, format of exam
- Lab related concerns
- Policy on missed coursework
- Contact information for instructor or TA
- For the above concerns, read the course outline and/or contact your instructor
- Work-term Accommodations
- Interview Accommodations
- Work Concerns
- OSAP or other provincial student loan questions
- Billing
- Tuition Refund Requests
- Scholarships and Bursaries
- For determining if you are eligible to apply for, or assistance with completing BSWD applications
- To determine if you are eligible to receive OSAP funding
- For assistance with the OSAP Student Portal
- To follow up on status of BSWD application once it has been submitted
- To submit receipts or other documentation
- Contact: Work Order Desk (wo@pr.uoguelph.ca)
- Snow and Ice
- Contact Student Housing Services for Accessibility Concerns in Residence
- Contact the department/unit responsible for that relevant website
- Contact the Host of the conference
- If it is on campus, your SAS Advisor can help confirm your accommodations
- Contact the student organization or Student Experience
- Contact the instructor first, if unresolved contact the department chair
- Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
- Your department’s website
- Contact your Graduate Program Coordinator or Graduate Program Assistant (find them on your department’s website)
- Cultural Diversity Advisor
- International Student Advising
- Indigenous Student Advisor
- LGBTQ2IA+ Student Advising
- More: Advising and Support
- Instructor/Classmates