Immunization Checklist for University of Guelph Students

Immunization Checklist for University of Guelph Students

Updated June 2024

Welcome to the University of Guelph! At Student Health Services (SHS), we aim to provide comprehensive health promotion, disease prevention and primary medical care to full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students during their studies. 

We have a compassionate team of family physicians, nurses, a registered dietitian, an addiction counselor, and mental health professionals who help students maintain their overall health and well-being.  

Tips for coming to U of G prepared:

As you plan your arrival at the University of Guelph, we strongly encourage you to review your immunizations, using the charts below, with your family doctor before coming to university to ensure your health is protected while you pursue your studies. This may require the help of a parent/someone who has kept your immunity records. This takes some effort, but it will save a lot of time once you get here and need to access our services! 

Checklist for International Students

Do you have questions about your immune status?

You can call to book an appointment with a nurse on our team by calling 519-824-4120 ext. 52131 Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Always bring your University of Guelph student card and a valid health insurance card (OHIP, UHIP etc.) to each appointment.  

Recommended Vaccines for all U of G Students


Ontario Schedule Recommendations  

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (also known as MMR)  

Two doses as a child or two doses 28 days apart as an adult  

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (also known as Tdap)  

Received as a child and booster (Adacel) as a teen or young adult; then Tetanus every 10 years  


Two doses as a child or two doses as an adult if not immune  

Meningococcal Quadrivalent (for A, C, Y, W-135 strains)  

One dose received in Grade 7 

Hepatitis B  

Two doses received in Grade 7  

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (Gardasil 4 or 9)  

Two doses received in Grade 7 (Gardasil 4 or 9)

Vaccinations may be available at Student Health Services (see Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines)


Immunized as an infant  


Immunized as an infant  

Influenza (Seasonal Flu Shots)

Recommended yearly.

Vaccinations are available at Student Health Services during the Fall & Winter Semesters. 

COVID-19 Vaccinations may be available at Student Health Services

Learn about Ontario’s vaccination program to help protect us against COVID‑19 and how to book a vaccine. Question about boosters? Complete the booster dose recommendation tool.

Meningococcal B (Meningitis B)

Two-dose series (not Publicly Funded—did not receive in school). Students are strongly recommended to get vaccinated for Men B prior to coming to university, however you may contact Student Health Services after arrival to book a vaccine.

More info about Meningitis B 

Please Note: Not all vaccines are publicly funded. There may be a cost for some vaccines not covered by the University of Guelph student plan. Please visit for comprehensive information about your coverage. Students may have coverage under their parents’ drug benefit plans and can get reimbursed through their parents’ drug benefit plan. 

Let's Talk Meningitis B: You May Not Be Protected

If you're coming to university, you need to be aware of Invasive Meningococcal Disease symptoms, treatment and prevention. 

  • Meningitis B is the most prevalent type of meningococcal disease in ages 15-24
  • Vaccine for Meningitis B is not included with the publicly funded vaccinations delivered during high school (ACWY or meningitis C strains) 

  • Symptoms start and progress quickly within 24 to 48 hours to serious, possibly life-threatening conditions, with death occurring in 1 in 10 people infected  

  • Meningococcal B signs/symptoms can mimic other illnesses making it difficult to diagnose in time to prevent serious complications

Signs/Symptoms include:

  • Stiff neck
  • Bad headache
  • Sudden fever
  • Moodiness
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Rapidly spreading rash that starts as dark reddish/purplish spots that can appear anywhere on the skin  

How it spreads: 

  • Coughing and sneezing 
  • Smoking 
  • Kissing or close physical contact 
  • Sharing eating utensils and drinking glasses 
  • Living in close quarters 

We encourage incoming students to check whether they have/have not received the vaccination for Meningitis B. Most private insurance plans will cover the cost. If unable to receive your vaccine prior to coming to the University of Guelph, Student Health Services can provide this and students may then get reimbursed through private insurance plans. For international students, some vaccines may be more affordable to access through Student Health Services than your country of origin.

References & more information on Meningitis B

Self-Care Resources:


Download the CANImmunize App to keep all of your vaccines in one place