Health Services

Withdrawal Management Centre (GRH)

Phone: 519-749-4318

Programs provided at the WMC include:

ARCH Guelph

Phone: 519-763-2255
Toll Free: 1-800-282-4505

We provide anti-oppressive, sex-positive, inclusive care, treatment and prevention services in the area of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted blood-borne infections through innovative health promotion strategies and community engagement.

The above excerpt was obtained from the ARCH clinic website.

The Wellness Education Centre

Phone: 519-824-4120 x53327

The Wellness Education Centre (WEC) is the educational arm of Student Wellness and is one of over twenty Peer Helper Program units on the University of Guelph campus. We are a student-driven safe space where all University of Guelph students can seek information and support about health/well-being. Peer-to-peer education is the driving force behind all of WEC's initiatives, including drop-in peer consultations, interactive programming, and resource distribution.

HERE 24/7

Phone: 1-844-437-3247
TTY: 1-877-688-5501

80 Waterloo Ave.
Guelph, ON 
N1H 0A1


Phone: 1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666)

The following excerpt was obtained from the Al-Anon website:

In Al-Anon/Alateen, members do not give direction or advice to other members. Instead, they share their personal experiences and stories, and invite other members to “take what they like and leave the rest”—that is, to determine for themselves what lesson they could apply to their own lives.

Guelph General Hospital

Phone: 519-822-5350

115 Delhi St.
Guelph, ON N1E 4J5

Additional clinic information can be found on the Guelph General Hospital website.

Campus Police Emergency

If you experience an emergency on campus that requires fire, ambulance or police, call ext. 52000. Available 24/7.

+1-519-824-4120 ext. 52000