Emergency Snow Closing Procedures
Please be aware that if inclement winter weather strikes, the University may decide to close campus.
How to find out if the University is closed:
When a winter storm hits, trust these sources to find out whether the University is open:
- U of G Alert – sign up to receive email, phone or text message alerts from our Critical Incident Notification System
- www.uoguelph.ca
- local radio
- Twitter: @uofg
- Instagram: @uofguelph
- Facebook: /uofguelph
A message will be posted if the University closes. If the University decides before normal working hours to close because of bad weather or a critical incident, every effort will be made to communicate that decision by 6 a.m. The University's main phone line – 519-824-4120 – will also have a recorded message about the closure.
What does that mean for Student Wellness if the University closes?
The J.T. Powell Building will remain open as Health Services is deemed an essential service, however, all other Student Wellness services will be unavailable in person.
Student Health Services
SHS is an essential service and will remain OPEN during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday).
Please note some appointments may be cancelled, rescheduled or changed to virtual. You will be notified by phone or email or you can call SHS at 519-824-4210 x52131 to confirm the status of your appointment.
All scheduled COVID-19 vaccine appointments will continue. Please get in touch with us if you have to cancel your booster.
Counselling Services
- Counsellors will continue to meet with students virtually or by phone.
- If you have an in-person appointment, you should expect it to be changed to a virtual or phone appointment.
- Your counsellor will contact you with details.
- Off-Campus and Self-Guided Mental Health Resources for Students
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- Advisors will continue to meet with students virtually or by phone. If you have an in-person appointment, you should expect it to be changed to a virtual or phone appointment. Your advisor will contact you with details.
- All midterms booked in the SAS Exam Centre will be rescheduled to at least seven days later and in consultation with the course instructor. Watch for an email from sasexams@uoguelph.ca for updates.
- All exams booked in the SAS Exam Centre will automatically be rescheduled. For more information, please reference the Office of Registrarial Services' Exam Schedules website.
- Questions? Call 519-824-4120 x56208 Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support & Education
- Support coordinators will continue to meet with students virtually.
- If you have an in-person appointment, you should expect it to be changed to a virtual appointment. Your support coordinator will contact you with details.
- Access Self-help and Professional Resources
Health & Performance Centre (HPC)
- HPC will close.
- If you have an appointment on the day of a closure, you will receive an email letting you know.
- Our admin team will be working to call each patient to reschedule and set up an alternate date/time.
- If you have an appointment, please email hpc@uoguelph.ca to determine eligibility for virtual appointments.
What if the University remains open during a snow event?
If you have an appointment and you suspect you will be unable to make it (even if the University remains open), please call or email us as soon as possible.
- HPC: 519-767-5011 x1 or hpc@uoguelph.ca
- SAS: 519-824-4120 x56208 Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Counselling & Health Services: 519-824-4120 x52131 Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Snow removal for accessibility:
The University's Physical Resources division endeavours to ensure safe and easy access to University facilities during winter. Every year Physical Resources deploys its staff to remove snow and clear doorways, pathways, steps, ramps and curb cuts so that all employees have access to University buildings. It is of vital importance that the needs of employees with disabilities are not overlooked.
In the event that you see a trouble spot or have difficulties during winter weather, here's how to get help:
- Level 1 (Emergency) – Risk of critical harm to yourself or someone else. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 52000 or 911.
- Level 2 – Immediate snow assistance for people with disabilities. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 53854.
- Level 3 – Feedback or general concern related to snow removal. Email snow@pr.uoguelph.ca.
Note that for the winter semester, SAS will provide Physical Resources with a list of courses for students who need barrier-free access to classrooms and walkways. This will not include any identifying information but will focus on a list of dates, times and places. This will then be used to help prioritize snow and ice removal. For more information, visit Student Accessibility Services' website.
To help us identify areas in the University that need snow removal attention in a timely way, please complete the Office of Diversity and Human Rights' Snow Removal Survey.