Graduate Students

The accessibility needs of graduate students with disabilities are unique to each individual. Our commitment to you is to listen to your experience and collaborate with you on a plan for accessibility in your degree program.


The information you share with Student Accessibility services about the nature of your disability is confidential. If we need to involve faculty in the accommodation process, we only do this with your consent. Read more on our privacy and confidentiality page.


If you experienced a disability during your previous degree(s) that was not accommodated and negatively affected your academic standing for admission purposes, please contact our front desk at They will connect you with a member of our team who can discuss how we can support you in the admission process.

Current U of G Students

In order to register for services and accommodations with Student Accessibility Services, please fill out a New Student Intake Form. You will also be asked to provide supporting documentation.

Qualifying & Comprehensive Exams

Students registering with Student Accessibility Services frequently have disabilities that affect them in many aspects of their academic lives, including exam situations. With an understanding of your abilities, we can work with you to develop a plan to ensure your exams are accessible.

Defense & Oral Exams

Student Accessibility Services does have experience with supporting students during their research defenses and oral exams. Once you have registered with our office, please speak with your Student Accessibility Services Advisor.

Accessible Academic Materials & Software

We work closely with Library Accessibility Services around accessible academic materials, including journal articles, textbooks, videos and many other resources. We can also help with assistive software, and recommendations for devices to help make content more accessible.

Physical Environment

The U of G campus is made up of many buildings - some newer and some older. While many buildings are accessible, there are still some areas where work is being done to improve access. We can help ensure all of the academic spaces you need to access are accessible.

Deadlines and Timelines

Many graduate programs require students to do considerable work independently, with specific timelines or deadlines. This can be particularly challenging for students with episodic disabilities, or onset of a new disability. We can help navigate these requirements.

Navigating Support Services

Student Accessibility Services works in collaboration with other service providers in Student Wellness (e.g. Counselling and Health), as well as many campus partners. We can help you find the supports you need.

Many Other Things

Accommodations are often as unique as each student we serve. Please let us know what we can do to support you.

Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance, and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.