October 10th is World Mental Health Day – a day to raise awareness around mental health issues and supports, and also have conversations about taking care of your mental health proactively. Many aspects of mental health are challenging for university students, and now is the perfect time to make your mental health a priority and check in on those around you.
Assisting students on their mental health journey is a priority for Student Wellness, and why we offer numerous programs and resources designed to help in many different capacities. Below are just a few ways our Wellness teams can help you as a UofG student. Not sure where to start? For non-emergency mental health support, a Student Wellness Navigator can be contacted by calling 519-824-4120 ext. 52131. Learn more. [1]
Mental Health Supports from Student Wellness Services:
Sometimes we need help to support our mental health. A lot of the time, we think of professional counselling as the option, which is often the case. However, Student Wellness Services offers several different programs and resources outside of Counselling Services to help you build better mental health.
Free Counselling Services for UofG Students
Student Wellness Services offers same-day Drop-In [2] and Urgent Counselling [3]. Call us at (519) 824-4120 Ext. 53244 for an appointment
Individual Counselling [4]
- Counselling Services [5] allows you to talk one-on-one with a counsellor to explore, understand, and work through personal issues. Call 519-824-4120 x 53244 (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm) to book an appointment.
Same Day Drop-In Counselling [2]
- Available via phone, virtual or in-person.
- Drop-in Counselling for Black Students and Students of Colour (virtual or in-person, Wednesdays 1-3:30 pm. Sessions can be booked the same day or in advance [6] through Student Experience)
- The drop-in service is available to provide support, information and referrals to students dealing with a variety of same-day, emerging or crisis situations.
If you or a friend is having suicidal thoughts, please contact someone immediately, go to the nearest emergency room, or call 911: they are there to listen, and they want to help.
- Campus Safety Office supported by the Integrated Mobile Police And Crisis Team (IMPACT) [7] An IMPACT worker is available on campus for emergency help Thursday through Sunday, 2 p.m. to midnight via the Campus Safety Office: 519-840-5000 or 519-824-4120 ext. 52000, or by texting the Crisis Line: text UOFG to 686868.
- Good2Talk Postsecondary Helpline: 1-866-925-5454.
- Here 24/7 (Addictions, Mental Health & Crisis Services for Waterloo – Wellington Region): 1-844-437-3247
- Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone: Text UofG to 686868
Student Support Network [8] (SSN)
- Drop-in peer support is provided by extensively trained student volunteers who provide confidential, non-judgmental listening and support to other students. Drop-in peer support is offered between noon and 10 pm, Monday through Friday. More info at: wellness.uoguelph.ca/ssn [8]
International & ELP Student Counselling Options [9]
- Keep.meSAFE [9] is a mental wellness student support program available to all U of G International Students whether they are still studying in Guelph/Ontario or back in their homes internationally. It is free and confidential for international students with availability day or night. This service provides access to counsellors that speak their language and understand their culture via phone or chat.
Academic Supports [10]
Depending on your situation, there may be specific academic supports available to you. Click here
View a list of W23 Academic Support for Students from Learning Services [11]
Visit Calendars, Planners and Assignment Calculators [12] to print out free monthly calendars and weekly planners.
Looking for tips on taking notes, learning from textbooks, or dealing with distractions? Check out Effective Studying [13]
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support and Education Centre [14]
If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual or gender-based violence, you are not alone and supports are available.
- UofG Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Coordinator [15]
- UofG Counselling Services [16]
- Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-265-7233
- Learn about Sexual Violence Support on Campus [17]
- Learn How to Support a Friend [18]
- Cultivating Consent Culture [19]
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) [20]
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) helps students who experience disabilities with full and equitable participation in academic life. We strive towards creating a barrier-free environment where all students can achieve their potential. Students can request SAS support by completing an SAS application [21].
Group Therapy Programs [22]
- Wellness group for Black, Indigenous and Students of Colour
- Managing Stress and Anxiety in Varsity Sport
- Groups for Depression or Anxiety
- Dialectical Behavioral Training
- Disordered Eating Group
- Distress Tolerance
- Creating Space For Grief
- Meal Support Group
- Men's Group
- Mindfulness
- Building Healthy Relationships
- Building Social Confidence
- Regulating Emotions
- Stress Management
- Other topics as required.
Integrated Mobile Police And Crisis Team (IMPACT) [7]
In partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington (CMHA) and the University of Guelph Campus Safety Office, IMPACT is a pilot project which provides an immediate response to those on the University of Guelph campus undergoing a mental health crisis by dispatching dedicated mental health professionals alongside campus safety officers when assisting with crisis calls.
Peer Wellness Educators
- Our team of Peer Helpers runs regular events and workshops to support students in managing their stress, building connections, and overall improving their well-being. They also create educational content for social media on a variety of topics. Keep an eye out at @wellness_uofg [23] on Instagram and our GryphLife [24] page for upcoming events.
Stress Management Programs
- Learn guided relaxation techniques for test anxiety, sleep, & general stress. This drop-in group is provided by Kathy Somers from the Stress Management & High Performance Clinic. Students can register for upcoming sessions via Gryphlife. More programs can be found at www.selfregulationskills.ca
Shine This Year [25]
- Shine This Year is our one-stop-shop for mental health resources both on and off campus. There you can find links to services, helpful tips, listen to our podcast The Shine Cast, and hear about how other students succeeded in university by watching our series of Student Transition Stories.
USHINE is an empowering peer-to-peer mentorship program that helps students reach and sustain their wellness goals. You will be matched with a trained peer mentor who will work with you through the semester in one-on-one meetings to identify your wellness goals and assist you in making a personalized plan, with an overall goal to help you develop long-term habits to boost your well-being. Typically you will meet with your mentor 2-6 times, depending on your needs and goals! Students often make goals around nutrition, sleep, physical activity, making friends, changing substance use behaviours and so much more!
Register for USHINE today [26], or contact us at ushine@uoguelph.ca
Gryphons Empowered by Movement (GEM)
- GEM is a referral-only program that is a collaboration between Student Wellness and Athletics. Program participants will be paired with a GEM Buddy, who helps them experience different ways of incorporating physical activity into their lives as a means of improving mental health. Talk with a Student Wellness Navigator, Counsellor, SAS Advisor, or the SSN [8] to be referred to the program!
Grad Student Support Circles (GSSC)
- A confidential peer support group for grad students across all faculties. GSSC offers a supportive group environment where grad students can talk about their unique experiences, hear others’ perspectives, & discuss life in general. A support group is also available for student-parents. Sign up at grad.circle@uoguelph.ca
Other On-Campus Supports & Resources:
Student Experience
Department of Athletics
U of G’s Department of Athletics offers one of the best recreation facilities in the city and a wide range of classes. Physical wellness and mental health are closely tied. Explore how getting active at Athletics can help you! Explore the Fitness classes [35], fitness centre [36], and various free drop-in recreation programs [37] available to students.
Additional Mental Health Resouces:
Self-Help Resources [39] Counselling & Mental Health Resources for Students, Staff & Faculty
Training: There are various training opportunities currently available for students, staff, and faculty to help you to become more informed about mental health issues, including suicide prevention/intervention. Visit our website [40] to learn more or email mentalhealth.training@uoguelph.ca
- Campus Safety Office supported by the Integrated Mobile Police And Crisis Team (IMPACT) [7] An IMPACT worker is available on campus for emergency help Thursdays from 3 p.m. to midnight, and Friday through Sunday, 2 p.m. to midnight via the Campus Safety Office: 519-840-5000 or 519-824-4120 ext. 52000, or by texting the Crisis Line: text UOFG to 686868.
- Good2Talk Postsecondary Helpline: 1-866-925-5454.
- Here 24/7 (Addictions, Mental Health & Crisis Services for Waterloo – Wellington Region): 1-844-437-3247
- Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone: Text UofG to 686868