Registering with SAS for the First Time
Are you new to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at the University of Guelph? Complete the steps below to register!
STEP 1: Complete SAS Application Form
What you need to complete the application:
- Currently enrolled or accepted an offer of admission
- Have a U of G Username and log-in credentials
- Have a Student ID
- Current students can apply at any time of the semester
Please provide as much disability-related information as possible on your application. This aids us with maintaining accurate records of the assistance we are providing.
Ready to apply with my U of G email address and log-in credentials
STEP 2: Submit Your Documentation
Documentation can be included at the time of applying or uploaded later using the customized link sent by email.
Submissions will be processed as quickly as possible to ensure fall semester accommodations are in place as soon as possible.
Some restrictions on accommodations may apply depending on academic deadlines throughout each semester.
You will be required to submit documentation from a registered health professional which verifies the existence of a disability and describes your current functional abilities given the condition you experience. Please consult our documentation guidelines. Contact our office for additional assistance.
STEP 3: Attend Summer Orientation Events
June - September
Various accessibility events are hosted during the summer to help first-year undergrads, returning, transfer and graduate students understand how SAS works, including:
Virtual Drop-in sessions (June - August)
“START Accessible” Virtual Event
“START Accessible” In-Person Event (Labour Day weekend)
If you are attending the University of Guelph for the first time in the Fall semester, be sure to check out our START Accessible Summer Events to help you navigate your first year with SAS.
STEP 4: Meet With Your SAS Advisor
Timing: Book an appointment as soon as we send your Advisor's name. You will be offered the first available appointment.
It’s necessary to meet with your Advisor before accommodation eligibilities can be activated.
Some restrictions on accommodations may apply depending on academic deadlines throughout each semester.
*Accommodations take time to set up, and advisors’ schedules book up at busy times of the year. Please book your appointment when directed.
Meeting With An Advisor: What to Expect
You’ll receive your appointment times and details once your request to meet with your advisor (see step 4). Once you have your appointment date and time, attend your semester registration appointment. During your meeting with your advisor, you’ll:
Discuss your individual accommodations and support requirements
Set-up classroom and exam accommodations as appropriate
Review courses and disability-related support for each
Please note, if you participate in START Accessible, you will have access to your summer registration appointment prior to the start of class.
Don’t miss these steps when registering in the fall!
Booking Tests & Exams
If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.