One of the core activities of Student Accessibility Services is to help students with academic accommodations in order to remove structural barriers when a disability is affecting the student's functioning. The accommodations that are required varies from person to person, and situation to situation. We therefore work closely with students and instructors to collaboratively determine what is needed.
It is important to note that the following list provides general examples. Other accommodations may be put into place as needed.
Classroom Accommodations
This might include alternative furniture in a classroom, a barrier-free location, use of an FM-transmitter for a hearing impairment, assistance with note taking, or strategizing around presentations.
Memory Aids
Some students have a documented medical condition or learning disability that results in a significant memory deficit. These students generally have great difficulty retrieving information from memory even though they have carefully studied and understood the material. In these circumstances, a memory aid can be an appropriate and helpful resource for students when completing tests, supporting their ability to access information. Our web page on Memory Aids provides additional details about this specialized accommodation.
Alternative Format Course Materials
Library Accessibility Services (LAS) staff can help you obtain course readings in alternative formats and provide captioning and/or video description support, as indicated in your SAS approved accommodations.
LAS can also provide recommendations on assistive software and equipment to help make content more accessible.
Disability-Related Extensions
The impact of a disability may mean you occasionally need additional time to complete assignments. For concerns related to exams and group projects, please consult your course outline, and then contact your professor/instructor.
If your University of Guelph accessibility advisor has authorized you for accommodations for disability-related extensions on assignments, we recommend asking your professor/instructor for a short extension and providing them with the link to your approved accommodations before the deadline. This information will verify your registration with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and your accommodation for disability related extensions. With this information a professor may provide up to a 4-day extension without penalty and without the involvement of your SAS Advisor.
Please contact your Advisor for extensions beyond four [4] days. In addition, if you need more than 2 extensions in one course, please speak to your Advisor.
While students should aim to request an extension in advance, disability-related challenges may not always make this possible. In these circumstances, speak with your Advisor to discuss next steps.
Essential Requirements
All courses and programs have essential requirements that students must complete in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes, and at times this makes accommodations rather complex. For this reason it is always best for students to contact Student Accessibility Services as early as possible when choosing courses in order to anticipate potential barriers and develop strategies to manage them.
Students who need to take a reduced course load as a result of a disability may be eligible for reduced tuition and fees when taking 2.0 credits. In addition, OSAP has some provisions for students with permanent disabilities, such as a reduced threshold for being considered full-time, additional grants, and a bursary.
Navigating the Campus Environment
Some students may require assistance with getting around campus due to a vision impairment or mobility concern. Assistance with accessibility guides and scooters are available.
Service Animals
The University has an animals on campus protocol that is a framework for how we manage support/service animals. Students who wish to bring a Support/Service Animal into the University's facilities must register with SAS by completing a Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Application, and providing supporting documentation. We have also put together some general information about the behavioural expectations of support/service animals.
Tests and Exams
Our Exam Centre has the capacity to accommodate students with fewer distractions, additional time, access to adaptive technology, breaks and alternative lighting. Typically exams must be booked at least 14 days in advance (or by November 1, March 1 or July 1) in order to ensure we have sufficient space, staff and a copy of the exam. Booking further in advance is appreciated whenever possible.
Retroactive Accommodations
Most accommodations need to be setup in a proactive manner. However, there may be occasions when a student experiences a significant change in their health unexpectedly. Student Accessibility Services can provide assistance in navigating the various university procedures related to these situations. Note that it may be necessary to apply for academic consideration.
Important: Tests & Exams
If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance, and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.