SAS Summer Orientation Events

Posted on Monday, June 10th, 2024

Student Wellness Logo. Two students on Guelph campus holding wayfinding signs. Text reads: Student Accessibility Services, Summer Orientation Events

Welcoming You to Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Throughout the summer, join SAS and the START Accessible Team for various events, sessions and activities on all things SAS. We have a combination of virtual and on-campus events. If you missed a virtual event, recordings will be available a day or two after they happen.

Be sure to complete your SAS Application to register with SAS and receive updates about supports and services.

Academic-Related Events

Course Selection and Student Accessibility Services

In conjunction with START U of G online, join us for this break-out session with a focus on course selection and SAS. 

Are you anticipating using disability-related accommodations in university?  Wondering how accommodations are put in place in courses? Considering taking a reduced course load? Join us to learn more about the supports and services SAS offers and how to access them for September:

Learning about SAS

Connecting with SAS: 

This informal session provides information on what SAS is and how to connect with SAS. We will review the role of your advisor, how are accommodations determined and your role in accessing supports. We follow the presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers.

SAS Parent Session

Are you a parent or family member of a student who will be registering with SAS at the University in the fall? Wondering how you can support your student? Designed for parents, this session will provide information on how SAS can support your student, what supports and services are available, and review the role of an SAS advisor, student role and how you can support your student through the university transition. 

Join the live virtual session here on Monday, August 26th at 6pm

START Accessible

Join us on campus before Labour Day for this 2-day orientation event! (Please RSVP)

If you are attending START Accessible and wish to move into your Residence early, please complete the START Accessible RSVP before August 2nd, 2024.

  • Learn how to access exam accommodations such as extra time
  • Attend your Advisor Connection Forum
  • Learn about services and programs
  • Find out about accommodations and SAS supports  
  • Tour SAS offices including the SAS Exam Centre and Library Accessibility Services
  • Connect with Senior students
  • Move into Residence early

Learn more about START Accessible and see a full event calendar here


Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS ahead of when you intend to write.

In addition, the last day any bookings can be received is the first business day in November, March or July as appropriate for the semester.
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