Exam Booking Deadlines
Exam Booking Deadline Policy
The deadline to book with the SAS Exam Centre is 10 business days (Mon - Fri, excluding holidays) before the quiz/test/midterm/final. The deadline to request to write with the SAS Exam Centre is the first business day in March, July or November as appropriate for the semester.
Do NOT count the evaluation day (quiz/test/midterm/exam). Ten business days start today and finish the day BEFORE the exam.
We strongly encourage you to book at the earliest opportunity rather than the last minute.
The cut-off time for making a booking each day is 11:55 PM.
Check your exam bookings for accuracy on the Student Portal to make sure you have booked all of your in-person exams for which you wish to use accommodations.
Due to limitations in physical resources, if there are difficulties in exam booking arrangements, SAS will contact students, advisors, and professors to negotiate alternative solutions to ensure that students who have met all booking deadlines are accommodated.
To help navigate the booking deadlines for your exams, please use our SAS Exam Centre Booking Calculator.
What is a business day?
Monday to Friday, apart from days when the University is officially closed (holidays).
Reading Week (Tue - Fri) and the Fall Study Day in October are regular business days.
Saturdays are NOT business days as most offices on campus are closed, even if the Exam Centre is open.
If the campus is closed due to severe weather, we will work remotely, and it is still considered a business day - you can make an exam booking, and it will be received that day.
What is a holiday?
Holidays are the days when the university is closed according to the schedule of dates in the academic calendar. The holidays that impact exam bookings are:
Fall: Thanksgiving (Monday)
Winter: Family Day (Monday), Good Friday (Friday)
Summer: Victoria Day (Monday), Canada Day (July 1st), Civic Holiday (Monday)
Late Exam Bookings
You are required to meet the booking deadlines. ( 10 business days prior to your exam date and no later than November 1st, March 1st or July 1st (as appropriate)
Late Exam Requests will NO LONGER be accepted by the SAS Exam Centre.
Check your course outline for what happens when a student misses an academic deadline or cannot fulfill a course requirement.
Consider whether you have grounds to defer your exam to next semester. A program counsellor can work with you to navigate this.
Reach out to your SAS Advisor to discuss the next steps. They will not be able to change the status of your late request but can discuss how to move forward.
You should be prepared to write the test/exam with the class without your accommodations.
If you have any concerns or need assistance booking your exams, please attend our daily drop-in or contact us.
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 56208
Email: sas@uoguelph.ca
Booking Tests & Exams
If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.