How To Book Tests/Exams In The Exam Centre

If you have test accommodations approved for the current semester, and you want to apply them to an in-person quiz, test or exam, you must book with the SAS Exam Centre, is located on the second floor of the McLaughlin Library. During final exams and busy midterm times some exams may be administered in satellite locations. Students should monitor their UofG email for details close to the test date. 

This page provides more information about booking exams and FAQs.

SAS Exam Centre Quick Links

How to Book Exams

You might also be interested in these videos and guides that walk you through how to make a booking using the SAS Student Portal.

If you wish to use exam accommodations, follow the process outlined below before the booking deadline.

  • Booking deadline: All in-person tests and exams MUST be booked at least 10 business days and no later than the semester cut-off (whichever comes first).
  • The semester cut-off is November 1 (fall), March 1 (winter) and July 1 (summer). No bookings can be accepted after this date.

These deadlines are necessary so we can acquire a copy of the exam, have enough staff on hand, and have an appropriate seat to meet everyone's needs when you arrive.

Please click here for steps to follow when exam booking deadlines are missed. 

Status of Your Booking Request 

Processing: This message means that the Exam Centre has received your booking but has yet to verify the details and assign you a seat. The exam details have been received and are being reviewed for accuracy

Approved: The exam details have been confirmed and booked by the deadline

Cancelled: Exam has been cancelled (ie. dropped course, exam online, writing with the class etc)

Please monitor your bookings regularly and contact our Daily Drop-In for any questions and support. 

Bookings You No Longer Need

If you drop a course, have a change in your health, or for any other reason no longer require a booking, you must cancel it. Login into the SAS Student Portal, click on "quizzes, tests and exams", and click on "cancel" where appropriate.

SAS charges a $20 no-show fee when a student does not appear and the booking is not cancelled.

Writing at a Different Day or Time than your Class

If you need alternate scheduling of a test or exam and it is:

  1. A disability-related accommodation, it must first be approved by your SAS Advisor in keeping with the documentation we have on file.
  2. The result of extra time accommodations causing two tests or exams to overlap, then you would typically ask your instructor for permission to start early on the first one. Your writing time must still overlap with when the class is writing.
  3. To make time for religious observance, then please follow the procedures outlined in your academic calendar (here is the policy for undergraduate students).

For disability-related needs, please email your instructor and copy your SAS Advisor. You may ask for assistance from SAS if required. 

Approval from the instructor is required to make a change to the date and/or time of an exam and needs to be provided to the SAS Exam Centre, by the exam booking deadlines.

Note that for deferred exams, if you have a conflict with a test or midterm, the deferred exam must take priority.

Extra Time Accommodations for an Online Test or Quiz

Have a look at our page about online quizzes, tests and exams.

Booking Deferred Exams

If you have been approved for a deferred exam, you will receive an official email from the Registrar’s Office. Read the information carefully.

If you are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and require access to your accommodations through the SAS Exam Centre, please book your exams at least 7 days prior to the exam using the SAS Deferred Exam Booking tool. If you have any questions, contact the SAS Exam Centre directly at If you are corresponding with your instructor to make arrangements for accommodations, please copy your SAS Advisor on those messages.

When is my deferred exam?

Please refer to the deferred exam schedule for scheduled dates and times: Deferred Exam Schedule.

What will be the format of my deferred exam?

Be sure to read the exam schedule carefully as some exams will be conducted in person, and some exams will be conducted online.

Online Exams: If you are registered with SAS and the exam is scheduled to be online, we will notify your instructor if you have additional time as an accommodation. If you require any other accommodations, please email your SAS Advisor or for assistance.

How do I access my accommodations for my deferred exam?

When you receive an email with the official notification of the date and time of the deferred exam, please forward that to You must do this by the regular SAS exam booking deadline, or within 72 hours of receiving the email if it arrived in your inbox after the booking deadline.

For on-campus (in-person) deferred exams, we will make a booking for you based on the information in that email. For online exams, we will notify the instructor of your extra time accommodations.

Please double check to ensure all email contains the course code as well as the date and time of the exam.

Important notes

  • Please ensure that you are currently registered for the semester with SAS
  • Deferred exams cannot be scheduled during the final exam period or break between semesters
  • In the event of a conflict between a scheduled midterm exam and a deferred exam, the deferred exam will take precedence

If you have any concerns about accessing your accommodations for deferred, please reach out to your SAS Advisor.

Quick Facts About Booking

Changing the time of an exam

If you require a change in the exam time due to disability, contact your advisor early in the semester. Changes to exam times must be supported by disability documentation and must be approved by your professor by the exam booking deadline. It is a student’s responsibility to make this request to their SAS advisor and professors in time to meet the deadline.

Confirming an exam is booked properly

When you’ve booked a test in SAS Student Portal, you can view it using the "quizzes, tests and exams" menu option.  Check that the date, time, and length (it will include your extra time if applicable) are correct prior to the booking deadline. Incorrect bookings will be cancelled. 

Writing Date & Time

Students are expected to write at the same start time as the class, and extra time is usually added to the end of your writing time.

If adding time would extend your exam past 9:00 pm, your extra time needs to be added to the beginning of your writing time, and you will start writing earlier than the rest of your class. Be sure to choose the needed start time when making your booking. Here are some examples for a 2-hour final exam that is scheduled to start at 7 pm:

  • No extra time ("nil"): start at 7 pm
  • Time x1.10%: start at 6:45
  • Time x1.25%: start at 6:30
  • Time x1.5: start at 6:00
  • Time x1.75: start at 5:30
  • Time x2.0: start at 5:00
  • Remember to further adjust if you have additional time for breaks

Exam Locations

One business day before your booking, click on "quizzes, tests and exams" in the navigation bar on the left in the SAS Student Portal. The location will be visible as one of the exam details. We regularly book alternative spaces on campus, and your writing location can change up to one business day prior to your test. 

Extra time conflicts with a lab or another midterm

You need your professor’s permission by the exam booking deadline to write at a different start time or a different day than the class. See Writing at a different day or time than the class.

Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS ahead of when you intend to write.

In addition, the last day any bookings can be received is the first business day in November, March or July as appropriate for the semester.
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