Funding for Services and Equipment
What is the Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) /CSG-DSE?
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) help eligible full-time and part-time students pay for disability-related services and equipment needed to participate in postsecondary studies.
By submitting a BSWD/CSG-DSE application, you may receive funding to assist with the costs of the eligible disability-related educational services and equipment you need (based on your specific disability-related functional limitations) while you are in postsecondary studies.
The BSWD is funded by the Ontario government, and the federal government funds the CSG-DSE. If you receive financial aid from another province or territory, please contact their office to learn more about similar funding that may be available to you.
The amount of funding you may receive depends on the costs of the eligible disability-related educational services and equipment you need. Each eligible service or equipment request is considered based on your specific disability-related functional limitations. Information provided by your health care provider (physician or other regulated health care professional) and/or from SAS is used to determine what eligible costs may be funded.
Each university and college in the province has a limited amount of funding allocated by the government for students at their institution. There are consistently more applications than available funding. As such, there is no guarantee that all applications will be approved. Approvals are based on guidelines established by the government.
If you have a permanent disability or a persistent or prolonged disability, you may be considered for funding from the BSWD and the CSG-DSE. You may be provided funding for all or a portion of the costs of the eligible services or equipment requested. Approved funding for eligible items is subject to maximum limits, so it is possible that not all your costs will be covered.
The maximum funding per academic year is:
- BSWD: $2,000
- CSG-DSE: $20,000
Read more details about funding eligibility on the OSAP website.
- Submit your request to SAS: Use the SAS BSWD Eligibility Screener Form to initiate your request. Complete the BSWD Eligibility Screener Form.
- Submit your BSWD application to SAS by the deadline: If your Advisor approves your request, you will need to submit your BSWD application along with quotes and/or supplemental documentation by the appropriate deadline (see below for deadline information).
- Student Financial Services Approval: SAS will send your application to Student Financial Services (SFS) for financial approval.
- Receive your funds: If SFS approves your application, you will receive the BSWD funding by electronic money transfer to the same account you receive your OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) funding
- Submit receipts to SFS by the deadline: Submit your receipts for your equipment or services to SFS that match your cost estimates by the appropriate deadlines (see below for deadline information).
Note: You will be expected to return any unused BSWD funds to SFS (they will guide you on this process)
- You must be eligible for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to qualify.
- The student must have been approved for at least $1 of OSAP for the current study period and be considered a full-time student by OSAP.
- You must have a documented permanent or persistent or prolonged disability or be seeking confirmation of a Learning Disability.
- You have submitted a complete OSAP Disability Verification Form (unless you are seeking funding for a psychoeducational assessment)
- The equipment or services sought by the funding application satisfies both of the following:
- Is related to a specific disability-related functional limitation related to your academics, and
- Is a cost beyond what non-disabled students typically face
- Psycho-educational or other assessments are required to explore the diagnosis of a disability to provide access to accommodations. Consultation with SAS is required to determine your eligibility.
- Additional criteria frequently apply depending on the equipment or services you are seeking. We will help you navigate this.
Register & Connect with SAS:
- To apply to the BSWD, you must be registered with SAS.
- SAS will review your request to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria. SAS must sign the application form to confirm that the equipment or services you seek is necessary for participation in studies based on your disability.
- The government has established many rules to ensure the funds are spent appropriately that SAS is required to abide by.
- SAS will assist you with understanding the process and filling out the application form. Applications must be submitted by the deadline (see below for details).
- If approved, you will need to provide a cost estimate for the equipment/services you are seeking.
Student Financial Services (SFS):
- When your application is complete, we will submit it to Student Financial Services (SFS) on your behalf. Once processed, SFS will communicate decisions to you and outline the next steps.
- If you are approved for funding, you will receive an email from SFS and the funding will be deposited to your bank account using the information on file with OSAP.
- After purchasing the items, you must submit receipts that match the initial cost-estimate you submitted with your application. Receipts must be submitted by the deadline (see below for details)
- Funds that are not entirely spent, not spent according to the application guidelines, or not supported by the necessary receipt(s) will be considered an “overpayment” which means you will be expected to repay the funds to OSAP.
- Students, SAS staff, and SFS must meet specific deadlines. See the Deadlines section below for details.
Fall Semester: October 5th (for students registered in Fall semester only)
Winter Semester: February 10th (for students registered in Fall & Winter semesters)
60 days before the start of the semester for Equipment
6 months before the start of the semester for Psychoeducational Assessments
Equipment – 14 days after funding is issued by SFS
Fall Semester Services: Friday, December 13, 2024
Winter Semester Services: Monday, April 21, 2025
- Applications for funding to support the purchase of computer equipment (including laptops) will only be supported when it is required for assistive technology and is an expense beyond what a typical student would face.
- There is a maximum amount of funding per student (e.g., up to $22,000 per year). This is not to say that any given student is entitled to the full amount. In most cases, the government’s guidelines result in students being eligible for a much smaller amount (if anything).
- The University of Guelph is not responsible for funding services and equipment when a student is ineligible for this funding program. Our duty to accommodate means we are responsible for ensuring classrooms and other facilities on campus are accessible and for ensuring that teaching and assessing what you have learned are made accessible. We are not responsible for the equipment or services you require in your home, when you are studying independently, or other routine expenses commonly faced by students (e.g., textbooks, study materials, ordinary computer requirements, etc.)
- SAS helps students navigate the process, but the student is accountable to the government for the funding they receive. SAS does not have access to your student account, OSAP information, or funds you are approved to receive – we rely on you to provide us with any relevant information.
The information on this page serves as a general guide. If there is a discrepancy between this webpage and official government guidelines, the government’s information takes precedence.
If you have any other questions about the funding and bursary process, please contact us.
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 56208
Booking Tests & Exams
If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.