
The procedures document relating to Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities, which has been approved by the University of Guelph Senate, identifies several routes for appeal depending on the nature of the decision.

Decisions made by Student Accessibility Services Advisors may be appealed to the Manager of Student Accessibility Services. This relates specifically to "in-course" accommodations such as the need for note taking, arrangements for appropriate seating in a classroom, and supports that are administered by the Student Accessibility Services Exam Centre.

In the event that Student Accessibility Services declines to support a request that also needs instructor approval, then appeals should be directed to the Director of Student Wellness.

If consensus cannot be reached between the student, the course instructor, and Student Accessibility Services, then the decision-making process outlined in section 6 of the procedures documents should be followed.

Decisions by a Dean (or designate) and/or the A.V.P. Graduate Students may be appealed to the Senate Committee on Student Petitions (“Petitions”).

Please see the contact us page if you wish to discuss your experience. If you have encountered an accessibility issue that is outside of our mandate, we can help you get to the right place in the university to get help.

Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance, and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.