SAS Summer Events 2022

Posted on Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

Welcome to Student Accessibility Services

Throughout the summer join the SAS and the START Accessible Team for various events, sessions and activities on all thing SAS.  We have a combination of virtual and on-campus events. If you missed a virtual event, recordings of the first session is listed below and the remaining ones will be posted on CourseLink within a day or two of when they happen.

Updated Information

An updated schedule for September 1 and 2 will be posted shortly.

Summer Schedule

June 14 - 3pm: Course Selection and Student Accessibility Services 

In conjunction with STARTonline join us for this break-out session with a focus on course selection.

Are you anticipating using disability related accommodations in university?  Wondering how accommodations put in place in courses?  Considering taking a reduced course load?  Join us to learn more about the supports and services SAS has to offer and how to access them for September. 

Recording here

July 5 - 3:30pm: Student Accessibility Services and Your Academics 

Are you anticipating using disability related accommodations in university?  Wondering how accommodations are put in place? Wondering what academic accommodations are available? Considering taking a reduced course load?  Join us to learn more about the supports and services SAS has to offer and how to access them for September. 

July 14 - 2pm: Connecting with SAS 

Join us for an informal session on: What SAS is? How to connect with SAS? What is the role of your advisor? How are accommodations determined? And what you need to do to access them?  We follow the presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers.

July 28 - 2pm: Connecting with SAS 

Join us for an informal session on: What SAS is? How to connect with SAS? What is the role of your advisor? How are accommodations determined? And what you need to do to access them?  We follow the presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers.

August 11 - 2pm: Connecting with SAS 

Join us for an informal session on: What SAS is? How to connect with SAS? What is the role of your advisor? How are accommodations determined? And what you need to do to access them?  We follow the presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers.

START Accessible Virtual

August 23  - 10am: Covid, Campus and SAS

This session will walk you through the university's current plans for teaching and learning in a COVID-19 world. We'll also review ways that you can stay informed about any changes as things evolve in the year ahead and SAS's role in supporting you. (Student Choice)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 24 - 10am: Money Matters

The session will focus on funding options available to students to help offset the cost of attendance.  Government and institutional aid will be discussed including OSAP, Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and other bursaries.  (Student Choice)

Join the live virtual meeting here


August 24 - 2pm: Connecting & Communicating about your accessibility needs

This session will review important info, to help you advocate for your accessibility needs.   If you have questions about how and when to contact your professors, how to get help when you need it, and who can help with academic concerns, this session is for you!

Join the live virtual meeting here


August 25 - 10am: Finding Balance

Coming to university is a big transition, full of new experiences and expectations.  Today we will discuss that transition and tips to finding a healthy balance with your academics, social and wellness!  (Strongly Suggested)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 25 - 2pm: Intro to Library Accessibility Services (LAS)

LAS provides SAS-registered students with technology and space that supports reading, writing, note-taking and studying.

Attend this session to learn more about LAS and:

  • Alternate-format text
  • Assistive software support and technology loans
  • Library study space

Join the live virtual meeting

August 26 - 10am: Managing Your Courses and Your Schedule

How can you plan your semesters effectively, and avoid falling behind? How can you manage competing priorities such as exams and assignments? This session will cover:

  • Using your course outlines for planning and creating a schedule
  • Adapting your time management strategies to learning online
  • Strategizing your study time and using effective study techniques

Join the live virtual meeting

August 29 - 2pm: Rampage through your readings using alternate-format text and Kurzweil 3000!

Do you learn better by having your text books read to you? Or in an alternate format?  Want to find out how to install the free campus subscription for Kurzweil 3000? 

Join us to find out:

  • How to get course textbooks in alternative-formats, such as braille, large print, and Kurzweil-compatible PDFs
  • How to install and use the free the campus subscription for Kurzweil 3000 text read-back software on personal laptops and mobile devices

(Student Choice)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 29 - 5pm: Parents Welcome to SAS session

Is your student registering with SAS?  Do you still have questions?  Designed for parents this session will review SAS supports and services, and ways to support your student through the transition to university.  (Strongly Suggested)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 30 - 10am: Grad Student Welcome

Are you a Graduate student?  Wondering how disability related accommodations may be different at the graduate level?  Join us for a session to review and discuss SAS supports after undergrad.

Join the live virtual meeting

August 30 - 2pm: Learning to Bounce: Surviving and Thriving at University

Learn how to develop resiliency skills to help you successfully get through the ups and downs in your first year of university.  (Strongly Suggested)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 30 - 5pm: Parents Welcome to SAS session (ASD)

The transition to University can present unique challenges for students with ASD.  Advisors will discuss with parents of students with ASD some ways that SAS and parents can lend support.   (Strongly Suggested)

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 31 - 10am: Understanding Notetaking with SAS

Is notetaking is one of your approved SAS accommodations?   It’s up to you to request notes for your classes so be sure to join us for this session on how to access the notetaking portal to complete your notetaking request. 

Join the live virtual meeting here

August 31 - 2pm: Use notes, don't lose notes!  Take notes with technology to capture all the content

Do you want to try different ways to take effective notes in class using technology? This session will provide you with an overview of note-taking technologies including:

• digital recorders

• smart pens and hybrid digital notebooks

• computer-based programs such as Microsoft OneNote and Glean

• Mindomo mind mapping software

  (Student Choice)

Join the live virtual meeting here

START Accessible On-Campus (in-person programming)

September 1 - 2pm

  • START Accessible Check In
  • Info Services Fair: Connect with services and supports available on campus and with SAS
  • SAS and You Welcoming Address
  • Meet your Student Leader Activity
  • Welcome BBQ for SAS Students and Parents: Informally connect with staff, advisors and other students (RSVP required)
  • Social programming with Student Leaders

Note: Students who will be living in residence will have the opportunity to move onto campus on Sept 1, to participate in START Accessible.   (RSVP required)

September 2 - 10am

  • Campus SAS Tours including the SAS Exam Center and Library Accessible services tech lab
  • Advisor Meet and Greet – connect with your specific advisor
  • SAS Exam Accommodations 101: Learn how to access exam related accommodations


Booking Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.

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