Welcome Back! COVID Info for Winter 2021
We understand that the situation with COVID-19 is worrisome and want to assure you that the University is committed to protecting everyone’s health and safety.
If you are emailing your SAS Advisor, please watch for an automatic reply and read the information carefully for details about how to obtain timely assistance.
The SAS Exam Centre is offering support for online tests and exams. Depending on the current COVID restrictions, a small number of situations may be accommodated in the Exam Centre. This is reserved for students whose accommodations cannot be provided online and courses that have on-campus exams. Please contact your SAS advisor if this might apply to you.
For online quizzes, tests and exams, the exam centre will provide information to course instructors about those students who require time-based accommodations. If you are not sure about plans in one of your courses, please contact your instructor.
Test and exam accommodations must be negotiated and approved at least X days ahead of time. If you require one-on-one assistance from the exam staff, this must be booked no later than March 1.
Note that you must login to Accessibility Online and click on the "semester request" button in order to activate your accommodations each semester. If you do not do this, your accommodations will not be included in the information we provide to instructors. We strongly encourage our students to do this at the start of the semester in case any additional conversation is needed.
Please note: if you have an appointment with an SAS Advisor, all appointments have been moved to the telephone or online. You may wish to review this information about using Microsoft Teams for meeting with your advisor. As always, please email your Advisor if you have a time sensitive concern.
Drop-in will be available online in the fall semester starting on January 11 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM on regular business days. These will be short 15 to 20 minute meetings booked through the front desk the day before. They are for time sensitive matters only.
University’s COVID-19 website is the best source for information about how the institution is responding to the current situation.
Booking Tests & Exams
If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.