Class Discussion

Student Needs

  • Opportunity to participate without interrupting others during animated discussion
  • Structure to manage impulse control (i.e. taking up too much airtime)
  • Opportunity to learn to contribute to group discussion without becoming overwhelmed
  • Acknowledgement of the difference between meaningful participation and simply talking a lot
  • Recognition that calling attention to oneself can be anxiety provoking


  • Use a variety of different turn-taking approaches:
    • Popcorn style (anyone can jump in)
    • Raised hands with consideration for those who speak less often
    • Round-robin with the option to pass
  • Written submission of questions (e.g. live chat or email as the class is unfolding)
  • Encourage students to write down intended contributions so that they can listen without being distracted by their own thoughts.
  • Ensure students have the opportunity to prepare their contributions ahead of time (i.e. participation flows from readings).

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Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS ahead of when you intend to write.

In addition, the last day any bookings can be received is the first business day in November, March or July as appropriate for the semester.
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