SIF-D for High School Applicants

Posted on Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

If you feel that your disability has adversely affected your grades, and that you may be close to the admission cutoffs, please fill out the Supplemental Information Form for Students with Disabilities (SIF-D).  SAS will retain this information and will use it collaboratively with Admission Services if needed. Note that if you receive an offer of admission, you will still need to register with SAS as soon as possible and this is a separate process.

The deadline for submitting the SIF-D is March 1st.

Note: if you are applying to an undergraduate program, but not directly from high school, please speak with an Admission Counsellor through Admission Services.

Important: Tests & Exams

If you use the SAS Exam Centre, please remember that all test and exam bookings must be submitted at least 10 BUSINESS DAYS in advance, and not later than the first business day of March, July, or November as appropriate for the semester.

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