The seven dimensions of wellness is an approach to living a healthy and balanced life by recognizing the influences on our well-being. While each dimension listed here is being considered individually, it is important to recognize that the dimensions are not independent of one another: they are interconnected. This means that factors affecting one dimension will often affect others.
Emotional Wellness
Your willingness to be aware and accept a wide range of feelings in yourself and others. An emotionally-well person can freely express and manage their feelings, thoughts, and behaviour. An emotionally-well person functions autonomously, yet is aware of personal limitations and understands the value of seeking support and assistance.
Environmental Wellness
Your willingness to actively participate in and contribute to efforts to protect and renew the environment. An environmentally-well person recognizes the importance of individual efforts in preserving the environment through recycling, energy conservation, careful product selection, etc. An environmentally-well person is surrounded by clean air and water, and feels comfortable in their surroundings.
Intellectual Wellness
Your willingness to engage in self-directed behaviour, which includes continuous learning, development, creative application and articulation of critical thinking and expressive/intuitive skills and abilities. An intellectually-well person incorporates what is learned in the classroom with what is experienced outside the classroom in order to enhance their potential for living a more fulfilling life.
Occupational Wellness
Your personal satisfaction and enrichment you experience through work. An occupationally-well person has integrated their commitment to work into a total lifestyle that is rewarding and seeks to express personal values through that involvement.
Physical Wellness
Physical wellness promotes the care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. There are many elements of physical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overall physical wellness considers elements such as physical activity, nutrition, safer sex, doctor's visits, sleep, vaccinations, and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition. Recognizing when your body is in need of a change in any of these areas, and respecting that need, can have an impact on your overall wellness.
Social Wellness
Your willingness to actively participate in and contribute to the common welfare of your community. A socially-well person lives in harmony with fellow human beings, seeks positive interdependent relationships with others, develops healthy sexual behaviour, and generally works for harmony in both personal and community environments.
Spiritual Wellness
Your willingness to seek meaning and purpose in human existence, to question everything, and to appreciate the things which cannot be readily explained or understood. A spiritually-well person seeks harmony between what lies within as well as the forces outside.