What is the 16 Days of Activism?
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and goes until December 10, Human Rights Day. These 16 days are an opportunity to engage the U of G community in being part of the solution in addressing and preventing Gender-Based Violence both locally and globally.
How to Participate in the 16 Days of Activism
To recognize the 16 Days of Activism, U of G will be lighting Johnston Hall in purple between November 25th and December 10th. The colour purple has been a predominant colour throughout movements to end Gender-Based Violence, and the purple ribbon has long been a symbol representing the prevention of violence against women in many parts of the world. There will be a lighting ceremony on November 25th from 5:30-6:00pm outside Johnson Hall that members of the campus and community are encouraged to attend to learn more about the significance of the 16 days and ways to take actions to prevent Gender-Based Violence.
This is just one of many initiatives happening in the Guelph as part of the 16 Days of Activism including workshops, a film screening and community and campus vigils to honour the memories of the victims of the École Polytechnique Massacre on December 6th.
For more information about events and initiatives to engage in during the 16 days, please check out the community events calendar [1] curated by The Wellness Education and Promotion Centre, SAFE (Sexual Assault Free Environment) Peer Helpers, Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis, The Zonta Club of Guelph, the Canadian Federation of University Women - Guelph and the Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity (GRCGED).
On-Campus Events
November 25th
16 Days of Activism Info Table, 11:30-2:00pm, University Centre Courtyard
Stop by our table to chat with our SAFE Peer Helpers! Learn more about what the 16 Days of Activism is, what you can do to learn about and stand up against Gender-Based Violence, and find out about events happening on campus and in the community. We will also be giving away White Ribbons, which can be worn throughout the 16 Days to show solidarity.
Lighting Ceremony, 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Outside Johnston Hall
Join us for a lighting ceremony at Johnston Hall on the University of Guelph campus as the U of G lights the Hall up purple in solidarity with survivors of gender-based violence. There will be hot chocolate and cider to keep folks warm. Parking on campus is free after 5! Find a map of parking options here. [2]
November 28th
Draw the Line Workshop, 5:30 - 6:30pm, MCKN 227
Facilitated by the White Ribbon Campaign, the Draw the Line workshop focuses on allyship and safe intervention strategies. Be inspired and walk away with skills and confidence to challenge rape culture and foster male accountability to prevent sexual violence on and off campus. This free event is open to all – but male and masculine-presenting people are especially encouraged to attend! Free pizza provided, and there will be chance to win a $50 Best Buy gift card!
December 6th
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Memorial Event, 2:30 - 3:00pm, Adams Atrium, Thornbrough Building
The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, also known informally as White Ribbon Day, is a day commemorated in Canada each December 6, the anniversary of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre, in which fourteen women were murdered and ten others injured in the name of "fighting feminism". Each December 6th, The University of Guelph School of Engineering commemorates this event through the themes of Remember, Reflect, Respond.
Learn more at www.uoguelph.ca/engineering/december6 [3]
Other Ways to Get Involved
Beyond these 16 Days of Activism, there are many opportunities to be involved in on-campus efforts to prevent and address sexual and gender-based violence on campus. If you’re looking for on-going ways to be part of the solution:
Attend an event hosted by the S&GBV Centre. For updates and information about upcoming events, please follow @wellness_uofg on social media or visit Gryphlife. [4]
Complete an online learning module including the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Awareness Training for Students and/or the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Module for Staff and Faculty, both available through the Self-Registration tab on Courselink. [5]
Request a customized training or workshop for your class, department, club or organization by connecting with the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Education Coordinator at sveducation@uoguelph.ca [6]
Sexual & Gender-Based Violence Support & Education at the University of Guelph
If you or someone you know has been impacted by Sexual or Gender-Based violence, you are not alone and supports are available. You can connect with the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Coordinators, who provide coordinated support and resources following experiences of sexual and gender-based violence. They also provide consultation services to faculty and staff responding to disclosures of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Anyone can refer a friend or themselves to the Coordinators by emailing svinfo@uguelph.ca [7]
You do not need to disclose or make a report in order to access support. Students are also welcome to bring a support person with them to the planning or support meeting.
For more information about supports available, please visit our website. [8]