Did you know that the most common STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, show no symptoms and are easily treated? Don't stress about STIs, get tested and find out your status!
You can get tested at our free STI Testing Day on Wednesday, April 3rd from 11:30am until 4:00pm in the UC Courtyard. Come out to pick up swag, snacks, and resources and enter our draw for a chance to WIN A NESPRESSO MACHINE + PODS BUNDLE or SPIKEBALL SET!!! This event is hosted by Student Wellness and Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.
How are the tests completed?
- Getting tested is fast, free, and easy
- People with vaginas will be able to complete a self-administered swab if they are not currently menstruating. Urine tests are also available.
- People with penises will be able to provide a urine sample.
- Both urine and swabs test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, the two most common STIs
Who should get tested?
If you are someone who is sexually active, getting tested regularly is important. You should come get tested if:
- You are sexually active
- You have a new partner
- You haven't had an STI test in the past 6 months
The only way to know whether or not you have an STI is to get tested.
Can't make it to the testing day?
You can make an appointment for STI testing at Student Health Services Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 4:00pm!
Book an appointment with Health Services:
- Call 519-824-4120 ext. 52131
- More information on Health Services appointments [1]
What happens if my STI test results are positive?
- If your test results are positive for chlamydia or gonorrhea, you will be contacted by a Public Health nurse or nurse from Student Health Services within two weeks of testing by April 17, 2024.
- You will receive a call. Note: the phone number may appear as “private” or will not display.
- If you have voicemail, you may receive a generic message including a phone number and extension indicating for you to call Public Health or Student Health Services back at your earliest convenience.
What happens if my STI test results are negative?
- If your test results are negative for chlamydia or gonorrhea, you will NOT be contacted.
- If you have not received a call by April 17, 2024 (two weeks from testing), you can assume that your test result was negative and you did not have chlamydia or gonorrhea on the day of testing.
What if I want to have testing for other STIs?
- Testing for STIs is free. Make an appointment with your health care provider, Student Health Services, Public Health or a walk-in clinic.
Questions about STIs?
Stop by and speak to one of our nurses for more information and resources.