The 16 days between November 25th (The International Day to End Violence Against Women) and Dec 10th (International Human Rights Day) are recognized globally as the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence.
This campaign is an opportunity to engage in conversations and action about tangible ways individuals, groups and communities can take action to prevent Gender-Based Violence and support survivors.
Throughout the 16 Days of Activism, the S.A.F.E. (Sexual Assault Free Environment) peer helper team will be sharing information about this topic and highlighting the work done by different students, clubs and organizations on campus.
For more information about the work students are doing to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and support survivors, please visit @wellness_uofg [1]on Instagram.
Supports are available:
If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual or gender-based violence, you are not alone and supports are available. You can connect with the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Coordinator who provides coordinated support and resources following experiences of sexual and gender-based violence. They also provide consultation services to faculty and staff responding to disclosures of sexual violence. Anyone can refer a friend or themselves to the Coordinator by emailing svinfo@uguelph.ca
You do not need to disclose or make a report in order to access support. Students are also welcome to bring a support person with them to the planning or support meeting. For more information about supports available, please visit our website [2].
- UofG Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Coordinator [2]
- UofG Counselling Services [3]
- Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-265-7233
Self-help resources:
- Learn about Sexual Violence Support on Campus [4]
- Learn How to Support a Friend [5]
- Cultivating Consent Culture [6]
For more information about how to get involved in on-going opportunities to prevent Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, check out our Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Training Opportunities [7].