Volunteer Opportunities & Commitment
Volunteers at HPC have the opportunity to work closely with a physiotherapist or chiropractor to gain hands-on experience in treating and interacting with patients, while ensuring the HPC is adequately supported to run smoothly on a daily basis. Volunteers are assigned a consistent 2-hour weekly, in-clinic shift with the same practitioner for an entire semester, with the expectation of a minimum 2 semester commitment. Flexibility exists to make your shift fit with you changing academic schedule.
The core, in-clinic, shadowing experience is complemented by additional opportunities tailored specifically to develop professionalism, communication skills and explore career opportunities in the health care field, through community outreach events, special workshops, personal and professional goal setting and critical reflection. Volunteers are expected to actively participate in these events above and beyond their weekly shift.
Volunteer Application Process:
Volunteer recruitment takes place in March for positions starting in September. There are approximately 28 physiotherapy and 7 chiropractic spots available each academic year. To apply for a volunteer position, interested students must complete an online application form, which will be posted through the following link (https://gryphlife.uoguelph.ca/organization/hpc) when available. Volunteer applications for the 2022-2023 academic year will be accepted from Monday, March 14 until Friday, March 25, 2022.
Please contact: hpc.volunteer@uoguelph.ca