Sometimes it is helpful to connect with other students who experience a similar disability. This allows for sharing of experiences, strategies and resources. Please contact your Advisor if any of these groups are of interest. Typically they each run in both the fall and winter semesters and range in length from 6 to 12 weeks.
- ADHD Support Group (Mondays)
- Autism Spectrum Support Group (Wednesdays)
- Bipolar Support Group (Tuesdays)
- Mental Health Support Group (Thursdays)
- Chronic Medical Conditions (Alternating Wednesdays)
In addition, there are a number of groups offered by Counselling Services that may be of interest. Topics include mindfullness, CBT for anxiety, CBT for depression, relationships, and stress management. SAS Advisors can often make a referral to these groups - please ask for more information.
Please connect with your SAS Advisor if any of these groups interest you.