University of Guelph, Student Wellness Services, Masking Policy Update
As of July 1, 2022, individuals and staff attending Student Health Services in the Vaccarino Centre for Student Wellness will be required to wear a mask while in Health Services. This will include in the waiting area and within the clinic itself. Staff working independently in areas and not providing direct care may remove their masks if they wish.
Masks in other areas of the centre will not be required. We will provide a supportive space for all individuals regardless of their decision to wear or not wear a mask.
Individuals attending appointments in other areas of the building will continue to be actively screened on arrival for appointments and individuals should cancel their appointments if they are experiencing any symptoms of respiratory illness. All staff/practitioners should continue to self-monitor for symptoms and stay home if they are feeling sick, unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19. Individuals who cancel appointments due to illness will not be charged a cancellation fee.
Staff/Practitioners working in close contact with others are encouraged to continue to mask and are required to wear a mask if requested by the client or if the client attends their appointment wearing a mask.
In most instances, wearing a mask can be handled within the context of the client/staff/practitioner relationship. When/if challenges arise please discuss with the appropriate manager.
This policy may change without notice based on recommendations, guidance, legislation, or other information as required.
Read about masking updates for the Health and Performance Centre [1]