Helping you take the right STEPS to better health and performance.
The STEP is a unique health experience where your wellness is evaluated through an integrated analysis of risk factors, fitness, nutrition, mental performance and overall health. Our program includes a multidisciplinary team of professionals: Registered Physiotherapists, Registered Dietitians and Performance Coaches that will help you achieve your individual health and performance goals.
Registered Physiotherapists carry out individualized assessments to:
- Determine your goals for fitness, performance and enhanced training
- Measure your fitness level and develop a personalized fitness regime which addresses your previous injuries, general health and your overall goals for a safe and successful training program
- Increase your energy, stamina, strength & fitness
- Train efficiently and Train correctly – Train for your body
Registered Physiotherapists bring more than personal training to your training sessions. A physiotherapist’s approach encompasses your past, present and potential future general health concerns for a more comprehensive, yet safe, STEP to better health.
Registered Dietitians will work with you to:
- Develop a personalized eating plan
- Help you discover quick meals and snacks
- Improve your metabolism & decrease cravings
- Achieve measurable results
Customized Program: At any time throughout the program you can add or put sessions on hold to suit your schedule and support your success. We are also committed to helping create a post program plan to ensure you are feeling confident and supported to continue your lifelong journey of health.
STEP Program Outline and Fees
The following recommended program fits the needs of most individuals looking to get on the right track toward improved health such as: better fitness, weight loss, reduced cholesterol, blood sugar control, lowered blood pressure, better stress management, improved eating habits, increased athletic performance and much more. Most program sessions are spread out over 4-6 months.
Physiotherapy STEP Program*
- 60 minute assessment with physiotherapist $135.00
- Six - 40 minute individual training sessions in collaboration with our physiotherapist $540.00
- Final Physiotherapy 40 minute discharge $90.00
Registered Dietitian Program*
- 60 minute individual assessment $125.00
- Three – individual follow-ups ($95 each) $285.00
- Program evaluation check-up $95.00
* Additional sessions can be added to the program for any providers, as needed.